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Magazine: America
Published January 1967
Man falls from horse with arrow in chest Translation: They Die At the Request of the Producer.
Daring masters of tricks in Hollywood's movies.
Whitey gets cable and harness put on under coat
stunt group pose for photo, main article text in russian Whitey on horse charges opponent Whitey knocked from horse by other man
Translation: Every scene needs a lot of careful preparation.
The dashing cavalryman speeds along in attack, but suddenly his chest is pierced by an arrow. The horseman falls dead on the ground with outspread hands. But, after a few seconds, he quietly gets up and goes to the side of the scene with a smile on his face. The stuntman completed his mission. Another very interesting episode was created. Imagine how many episodes just like this one you can see in other scenarios.

The stuntmen have to fall from 12-meter tall trees, have to be beaten up, and fly off a cliff. They do all these tricks very easily without getting themselves or anybody else in danger. And even if those scenes with their participation are on the screen for just a few seconds, this art of stunting makes the movie more saturated, because it brings up a very sharp feeling of reality.

To complete every stunting scene needs a lot of experience and different equipment. For example, in the photo at the left, you can see stuntmen in professional uniforms, knee pads, elbow pads, hip pads, back and chest protectors (where the arrows hit), and special shield vests which help protect against bruises when falling off a horse. The stunt in the pictures on the right, where the horseman was forced out of the saddle was done in this way: to the belt of the horseman a 15-meter rope was attached, (see photo center-top), the end of which 6 people hold from a truck. The stuntman with a saber speeds forward. When he is but a short distance from his opponent, the opponent swings his rifle. Simultaneously, 6 people in the truck pull the 15-meter rope, and the horseman flies out of his saddle as if he was hit by the stock of the rifle.

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